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AARP is the nation's largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age.
Try the benefits for yourself! Go to AARP.org/COTC to join for just $12 for your first year with automatic renewal. You’ll get a second membership for free, plus AARP the Magazine and a free gift!
Ana Luisa
Ana Luisa offers high quality, luxury jewelry at a low cost while simultaneously putting the environment first.
Treat yourself and get a unique gift AND get 10% off at www.analuisa.com/COTC
Athena Club
Hi, we're Athena Club. Here bringing you everything you need to treat your body right. Think feel-good, toxin-free essentials that are one of a kind. So you can take better care of you, every day.
Head over to AthenaClub.com and grab your razor kit today or you can find Athena Club Razors at your local Target. Plus with your purchase of a Razor Kit and blade subscription on their site, you can try their Gentle Body Scrub for FREE with code CRIMES at checkout (for a limited time only).